Analysts & Consensus Estimates
To the best of our knowledge, the following equity analysts cover BAWAG Group AG on a regular basis in their research reports. In addition, we provide the consensus of analysts.
The opinions, estimates and forecasts of analysts are not opinions, estimates or forecasts of BAWAG Group AG’s management and do not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell securities of BAWAG Group AG or its affiliates. By providing this overview, BAWAG Group does not endorse or concur with any of these opinions, estimates or forecasts. BAWAG Group AG will update the overview periodically but undertakes no obligation to do so. In general, the consensus will be updated before and after the quarterly reporting, subject to availability of updates. BAWAG Group AG did not verify any underlying research, figures respectively their correctness or accuracy and disclaims all liability with regards to the information provided in the overview.