Annual General Meeting


Annual General Meeting

AGM 2025

BAWAG Group AG's Annual General Meeting 2025 takes place on April 4, 2025, 11 am (CET).


1. Convocation, resolution proposals:

Resolution proposals
Proposal for Appropriation of Profit 

2. Documents:

Report of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2024 
Annual financial statements and management report for the financial year 2024 (German only)
Consolidated Corporate Governance Report for the financial year 2024
Consolidated financial statements and group management report for the financial year 2024, including the consolidated non-financial report
Information on data protection

CVs and declarations of the proposed candidates for the elections to the Supervisory Board pursuant to Sec 87 (2) of the Stock Corporation Act (AktG) (agenda item 6)– Independence criteria for members of the Supervisory Board of BAWAG Group AG pursuant to the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board are by company classification fulfilled for all candidates:

CV and declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Ahmed SAEED
CV and declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Frederick HADDAD
CV and declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Kim FENNEBRESQUECV and declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Pat MCCLANAHAN
CV and declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Robert OUDMAYER
CV and declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Tamara KAPELLER
CV and declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Tina REICH
CV and declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Veronika HEISE-ROTENBURG

Reports, comparison of the proposed changes of the Articles of Association and Remuneration Report:

Remuneration Policy
Remuneration Report
Comparison of the proposed changes of the Articles of Association 
Report of the Management Board on agenda item 10

3. Forms:

Form for granting a power of attorney and voting instructions (for the proxy nominated by the Company - IVA)
Form for granting a power of attorney (for other proxies)
Form for revoking a power of attorney

4. Other:

Company Classification



BAWAG Group AG's Annual General Meeting 2020 took place on August 27, 2021, 10 am (CEST):

Unless provided otherwise, any English language text is a translation from the original German language. In case of any discrepancies, the German text prevails. 

1. Presentation, voting results

Presentation AGM
Dividend announcement
Voting results
Authorisation to acquire own shares

2. Convocation, resolution proposals

Resolution Proposals
Proposal for Appropriation of Profit

3. Documents

Annual financial statements and management report for the financial year 2020 (German only)
Consolidated financial statements and group management report for the financial year 2020
Consolidated Corporate Governance Report for the financial year 2020
Report of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2020
Organisational information
Information for data protection

Reports, comparison of the proposed changes of the Articles of Association and Remuneration Report

Remuneration Report
Comparison of the proposed changes of the Articles of Association
Report of the Management Board on agenda item 9

CVs and declarations of the proposed candidates for the elections to the Supervisory Board pursuant to Sec 87 (2) of the Stock Corporation Act (AktG) (agenda item 8):

Declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Gerrit SCHNEIDER
Declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Tamara KAPELLER
Declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Egbert FLEISCHER
Declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Kim FENNEBRESQUE
Declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Adam ROSMARIN

4. Forms 

Form for granting a power of attorney 
Form for revoking a power of attorney
Question form

BAWAG Group AG's extraordinary General Meeting 2020 took place on March 03, 2021, 11 am (CET):

Unless provided otherwise, any English language text is a translation from the original German language. In case of any discrepancies, the German text prevails.

1. Resolution

Dividend announcement
Voting result

2. Convocation, resolution proposals

Resolution proposals for agenda item
Proposal for the appropriation of profit

3. Documents

Annual financial statements and management report for the financial year 2019 (German only)
Consolidated financial statements and group management report for the financial year 2019
Organisational information
Information for data protection

4. Forms 

Form for granting a power of attorney 
Form for revoking a power of attorney
Question form

BAWAG Group AG's Annual General Meeting 2019 was held on April 30, 2019, 11:00 a.m. (CEST):

Studio 44
Rennweg 44
1038 Vienna

Unless provided otherwise, any English language text is a translation from the original German language. In case of any discrepancies, the German text prevails.

1. Presentation, voting results

Presentation AGM 
Voting results
Dividend announcement
Authorization to acquire and transfer the company's own shares

 2. Convocation, resolution proposals

Resolution proposals for agenda items 2 – 12
Proposal for the appropriation of Profit

3. Documents

Annual financial statements and management report for the financial year 2018 (German only)
Consolidated financial statements and group management report for the financial year 2018
Report of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2018

Reports and comparison of the proposed changes of the Articles of Association
Report of the Management Board on agenda items 6 and 7
Report of the Management Board on agenda item 8
Report of the Management Board on agenda items 10 and 11
Comparison of the proposed changes of the Articles of Association

4. Forms 

Form for granting a power of attorney (including for the proxy nominated by the Company)
Form for revoking a power of attorney (including for the proxy nominated by the Company)
Voting instructions (for the proxy nominated by the Company)

BAWAG Group AG's Annual General Meeting 2018 was held on May 7, 2018, 11:00 a.m. (CEST):

Austria-Center Vienna
Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1
1220 Vienna

Unless provided otherwise, any English language text is a translation from the original German language. In case of any discrepancies, the German text prevails.

1. Presentation, voting results

Presentation AGM
Voting results
Dividend announcement

BAWAG Group AG dividend (AT0000BAWAG2) has been paid out without deduction of Austrian withholding tax (as a repayment of capital under Austrian tax law)

In the Annual General Meeting held on May 7, 2018, the distribution of a dividend for the financial year 2017 in the amount of EUR 0.583 per share entitled to receive a dividend was resolved.

The dividend payment is classified as a repayment of capital under Austrian tax law (section 4 para 12 of the Austrian Income Tax Act). The dividend is therefore not subject to Austrian withholding tax and tax free for natural persons who are resident in Austria. On May 17, 2018, the BAWAG Group AG dividend has been distributed to shareholders without deduction of Austrian withholding tax (27.5%).

The repayment of capital did, however, reduce the acquisition costs applicable for Austrian taxation purposes (natural persons who are resident in Austria). The reduction of the acquisition costs of the corresponding BAWAG Group AG shares can result in increased capital gains taxes, if the shares are sold at a profit at a later point in time.

2. Convocation, resolution proposals

Management Board's proposal for the appropriation of profits
Resolution proposals for agenda items 2 – 7

3. Documents

Annual financial statements and management report for the financial year 2017 (German only)
Consolidated financial statements and group management report for the financial year 2017
Report of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2017

CVs and declarations of the proposed candidates for the elections to the Supervisory Board pursuant to Sec 87 (2) of the Stock Corporation Act (AktG) (agenda item 7):
CV and declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Christopher BRODY
CV and declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Kim FENNEBRESQUE
CV and declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Egbert FLEISCHER
CV and declaration pursuant to Sec 87 (2) AktG – Adam ROSMARIN

4. Forms 

Form for granting a power of attorney (including for the proxy nominated by the Company)
Form for revoking a power of attorney (including for the proxy nominated by the Company)
Voting instructions (for the proxy nominated by the Company)